2021 is almost over! I was able to draw a lot this year and explore some new fetishes and unique ideas. I'm very grateful you guys have been along for this journey.
This was a pretty big year on other platforms, but the response to my work on Newgrounds has been pretty moderate. I believe it's mainly to do with the niche content, and maybe moreso the lack of voice acted works. The voiced comics I posted last year got a pretty significant response and brought people to the art in turn, and this year didn't leave much room for that. Newgrounds is originally a platform for animation after all.
Nonetheless, I want to thank those of you who are still around for sticking with me, and let's keep our fingers crossed for some hot voiced TF sequences in 2022. And if there's something you want to see more of, please let me know!
Happy New Year, everyone.
Hay, I love your work and have been following you for about half a year now? , I think your work is amazing from your style to the creativity and kinks, will try to be more vocal on new posts so you can feel the positive response you deserve :)
hey, thanks for your message. i'm glad you enjoy the art! :) responses are always appreciated.
you got anything in particular you like, kink/subject wise?